Monday, August 23, 2010

blue 3

blue 3, originally uploaded by boxspring.

Friday, August 20, 2010

lusty wind for carolina

lusty wind for carolina, originally uploaded by boxspring.

A digital rendering of a painting. I forgot to take a photo of it before I sold it. I used bits from other paintings for the background. I liked the original and had it hanging for some time before I even did the bulk of the spray paint, the girl. It was one of the canvases that I brought back from school and reworked several times. Title comes from the book I used for most of the paper. 25 x 36 inches.

This was the begining of the digital paintings.

dress 3

dress 3, originally uploaded by boxspring.

more geometric shapes.

untitled (spin)

untitled (spin), originally uploaded by boxspring.

red 3

red 3, originally uploaded by boxspring.

new stuff i've been working on.

Monday, August 9, 2010


red , originally uploaded by boxspring.

Another digital painting.


green, originally uploaded by boxspring.

A new digital painting. I've been doing stuff with shapes that are more geometric and the like to change it up and progress. In addition, I wanted to do something that used the silhouette in a different way. The first draft of this had the figure in negative space with black surrounding her, it didn’t work for me so I just used the shape and lightened the backgrounds and foregrounds, I think it worked.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

untitled work in progress

untitled work in progress, originally uploaded by boxspring.

messing around with something